Make Money Online With Google For Beginners

Now for the step number one you want to open up because we’re going to be using Google to make anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 per day without having a website and without investing any money .

Now for the step number two you actually want to find a way to collect the money that you make using the method that we will be using today now some of the options out there are lemon squeezy decom this is an absolutely free stripe alternative because stripe usually closes your accounts for no reason and it’s also not available across the world .

This one is available worldwide it is type alternative but but it has like a higher fee it takes about 5% from your every transaction but it’s still pretty cool because you can use it to collect payments I’ve been using it recently we collected so far $5.7 th000 with lemon squeeze so let me refresh the account.

They do take quite higher percentage of fees than Stripes you can also use PayPal to collect payments as well this one is worldwi available but I don’t really like PayPal because they also close your accounts pretty frequently you can test it out if it’s not available in your country you can just use this is International Bank account for everyone .

Then you can save on your transactions it has way lower fees it allows you to collect your money in any currency you want and you can send money instantly to people across the world so those are some of the options for collecting the payments that you get using the method which I will share with you in today’s step-by-step tutorial.

Now if you ask me I personally like to spend the money that I make online on cool experiences like renting out castles buying gifts for my family and just traveling across the world and doing different things and just enjoying the money mostly on different experiences but you can let me know in the comments down below how you would spend anywhere from $1,000 to $2,000 per day and whether you would be traveling across the world whether you would be buying gifts for your family or whether you would just skip all of that for yourself and maybe not even tell anyone .

just so just let me know in the comments down below what would you do with an ex $1,000 per day but anyways in update dreaming let’s actually get down to work so the first app that you want to open up is called Link in BIO so Ln k. bio and you want to sign up for completely free because this app will allow you to create a landing page for completely free you can just sign up with Google .

it requires only one press of a button you can save the login afterwards and you can start creating your own landing page with these different buttons If I go to my own landing page this is how that looks like so I have my free tutorial over here but below that I have links to different things those things can be affiliate links can be my offers can be different things that/.

I want to promote now for the next step what you want to do is you just want to find offer to promote again that can be an affiliate link that can be a CPA referral link or that can be your own digital or physical product whatever you want to promote and whatever you want to use to make money.

if you’re selling something through lemon squeezy for example you can upload your own products and services and collect money for that but you can also go with some affiliate Network for example you can go to Yaz you can sign up for completely free and you can find offers to promote the reason I like this one is because you don’t actually have to wait to get approved but you can instantly just click on promote to earn and instantly grab your referral link as you can see this this offer would pay me about $75 per person.

that I refer some of these give you percentages but I like to get paid straight up cash another platform that you can use is cpag grip. which is a CPA Network where you can find offers that pay you when someone enters their email address and here are some people that have been making money with this platform this person made $2,000 $400 $50 here $6,000 over here .

so people are making thousands of dollars with this app without actually selling anything so you can just go to the offer tools go to my offers and then you can just find different offers that pay you per email submission so you can see the category over here just select email submissions only and you can see that some of them will pay like a dollar per email collected and these are mostly giveaways where people have a chance to win something for free so you can just copy the referral link people have a chance to win something for free .

If they enter your email address you’re going to be paid $1 or $2 they don’t actually have to spend any money and they don’t have to buy anything now next up what you want to do is you want to find viral videos on YouTube that are actually providing value and that are really related to the offer that you promoting .

if you’re promoting some offer from let’s say ClickBank or digit store an offer that helps people lose weight fast or get sixpack apps and you can find some tutorial on YouTube that talks about exactly that now what you can also do is you can use Liar Liar AI because this AI tool claims to find liars and find parts where people are lying in their videos .

This is going to help you determine whether the video is going to be useful or not because you want to find the most useful videos on YouTube and you can just sign up to this AI tool for completely free and you can just upload YouTube video just upload a link to the YouTube video .

it’s going to show you whether that person is actually being honest in that video or not so when you go to YouTube and you find something let’s say I’m going to type in how to get rich fast or whatever and I can just copy the URL and I can paste it into liar to Liar Ai and it’s going to show me whether that person is honest or not I’m not sure how this technology works .

so far but it is a good idea either way I personally use a tutorial that I posted on my YouTube channel and to create a landing page that looks something like this you would just have to go back to link in bio then click on edit and you can fully edit the entire page.

so you just want to go to the style on the left hand side and you can customize fonts and colors and everything and if you want to add another video you just click on ADD block and you select video and then you just paste the URL to that YouTube video that you want to share and then below that you can add blocks of links.

so just click on ADD block and you can create a button and that button can have some button tags for example click here get instant access and then you just leave a URL to the offer that you’re promoting let’s say for example This is My URL I would just need to go back and past URL here and for the call to action I can also just copy the title of this offer and I can paste it here instead and I’m going to go with square coordinate .

I’m just going to click on ADD so the goal is to create your Linkin bio account that looks something like this you have your profile picture and your name you have a tutorial that talks about a certain subject and it also provides value and it’s honest advice that someone is giving in that video and below that you have buttons for different offers if that video talks about how to get rich fast and you can post these different offers from from CPA grip .

if it talks about how to lose weight fast and you can find some offers that help people lose weight fast and just link them below the video now you can also do this in different languages by leveraging Google translate you can go to Google type in Google Translate and then you can go to CPA grip because on here you can find offers in different languages .

so let’s say for example I’m going to go with Spain we can find different Spanish offers and we can translate them to see what they actually are and how to actually turn them into Cy actions using Google translate so I’m just going to paste it here and as you can see it’s going to say get a 100 Rose Burger King gift card so that’s what it actually means .

so I can translate it with Google translate and then just create a page like this but in a different language in this case that would be Spanish so that way you don’t have to compete with the entire us or English market now next up to actually make money using Google without having your own website you will need to write articles but again you don’t need to have your own blog or a website yourself you can just go to sm. a .

you can install this scrum extension extension for completely free and this is kind of like a rewriter and also content writer and it’s going to l you to generate articles and blog posts with one press of a button and again it’s completely free and next up what you simply want to do is you want to sign up to either w. Media or .

Because if you publish articles on these two platforms you can get traffic from Google search without actually having your own website listed on Google or anywhere else these are established domains and if you publish something full of keywords you can end up ranking for those specific keywords on Google .

when someone is searching for something they can find your article and in that article you can promote your link in BIO full of different offers and affiliate links if you decide to use chpt to write those articles here’s a formula that you can use.

I wrote it down in stepbystep Manner and I’m going to give it to you for completely free in a second but what you want to do is you just want to copy this first step you go to chpt you paste it like this and it’s going to give you different ideas as you can see it’s going to give you the niche it’s going to give you target audience and engaging topics and you just select the topic from those so now we go with the step number two make a list of 10 different titles for this topic and let’s select the topic let’s go with the solo travel tips a.

I’m just going to replace it here so we got to replace that and now we go to the step number three and now you can copy this so it’s going to write the entire article for you next uh please write the engaging cook for this video or for this article and paste there then we have the step number four we want to skip the introduction in this case so copy and you just keep on copy pasting it I’m going to show you exactly how to actually use this you just want to select one of these titles I want to go with the number one title over here because we asked it to generate some high C or high click through rate titles.

now we wanted to generate the rest of the article now let’s go back we have the step number five is to complete the entire article and this is the formula that you can use you just want to copy that this is almost the final step so we have different sections but now I’m just going to paste this and you want to also copy and paste the entire outline that was previously generated so this is a very important part if you miss this then the article is not going to make sense so you just want to copy this and then you want to paste it here and you want to leave it like this .

chat will base on this entire outline write an entire engaging article and you will have the introduction that you can copy from above now for the final step which is this step over here you want to add the affiliate article of formula this is Step number six where you can add the offer that you’re promoting and based on that offer is going to smiles integrate a go to action in the article itself .

I’m going to paste this here but first things first we need the name of the product let’s say for example Dave’s weight loss pel and I’m going to write details these are pills that help you lose weight fast without working out let’s say for example that’s the type of offer that I’m promoting and now it’s going to integrate that into the article itself and here I have a full-blown article with a title with a call to action with literally everything that I can copy and paste and share on walkout media and with a high chance of ranking high on Google.

That people can find this click on the link and sign up to the offer that I’m promoting you can copy that with one press of a button and you can go to click on right and you can paste it here and you will have to customize some parts so I will remove this and I will put it in the title then you will have to remove all of the unnecessary stuff we begin with the introduction we want to make some parts bold and where you have a call to action for your link in BIO .

you just want to highlight that part you want to click on this button and you want to insert your link to the to the link in BIO landing page so again you select the part you click on this and you paste your link so while someone is reading this they can click on that and it will be redirected to the page .

where they can watch a useful video on that topic and below that they can sign up to these different offers that you’ve listed for them just make sure that it is connected to the topic of the article they’re reading now you will also need to add some images to the article itself and you can generate them for free using Leonardo AI you can just sign up for completely free you can launch the app with one press of a button and on the left hand side you can generate high quality images from scratch.

In this case I kind of have some travel related articles so I’m going to generate something related to that I’ve entered a short prompt and based on the short prompt that I’ve entered it’s going to generate different images that I can download with one press of a button so we have the first traveler over.

here I also enter like medieval Adventure traveler so I’m going to use that I can download this image with one press of a button I can go back to and I can insert that that image to make it a little bit more engaging so this is going to be the image that I’m going to use and I’m going to publish this to,

I can also enter the topic in this case the topics are going to be travel travel tips and whatnot and I’m going to publish the story on the where it can potentially rank very high on Google and I can get leads and potentially sales from Google itself without having my own website listed on there and you can do the same thing with w. media which is pretty much the exact same platform as

but it’s going to improve your chances of actually getting some of these articles ranked on Google now you’re obviously not going to make millions of dollars right away from just posting one single article but if you publish five to 10 unique articles every single day you can potentially start getting traction from Google search after some time and start making an from ,000 to $2,000 per day without actually having your own website and to see.

how I actually make money online I made a completely free step-by-step YouTube automation tutorial which I will link in the description box down below again you can watch that for completely free to make money on YouTube without actually showing your face.

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